A full-day programme – Connecting technologies, social innovation and community development was the central aim of the 14th Reveal Conference, which took place in Göttingen on 14 September 2022. In close cooperation with the THREE C project, GSD, Climate Box and other European projects, this major event was accompanied by sustainability activities at various levels. The programme of this conference used a completely new and innovative approach to present ideas, generate interest, encourage and challenge exchange and at the same time leave room to pursue one’s own interests: An active conference and exhibition accompanied by thematic and practical workshops.
The organising projects not only had the opportunity to present the IDs they had developed, but also to experience them and, to a certain extent, to put them into practice.
A central theme was the DEAL approach, which focuses on the concept of Design Based Collaborative Learning and its results. Prototypes were presented in the exhibitions that had been developed over the past two years – some of which had already passed through the status from prototype to implemented programme.
But not only the presentation of the prototypes from the DEAL project could be experienced. Because the exhibition concept was accompanied by a group experience and exchange, the concept also encouraged people to develop their own ideas and to build on potential alternative possibilities.
All in all, the overall concept was successful, the participants took advantage of the many opportunities and the perspective of repeating this programme is already there.
Sustainability as one would like to experience it.